Money is everything. There is tons of ways to make money on the internet, most o them are passive ways It require time and money. But getting money from an app is easy and fast. here is the four earn money apps for Android and Apple that you can download today and start making money within minutes as long as you put in a little bit of work. These are the most rated money-earning apps on google play and App Store that you can download for free. Four earn money apps for Android and Apple Foap So here we are with the first app and this is a really cool one that not too many people know about this money making app but this is called Foap and this is for both Apple and Android. I do believe every single app I'm going to showing you today are for both Apple and Android, that way both parties are satisfied if you have some other type of phone, I'm sorry but those are the two major ones. How this app can earn money? Are you good at taking photos and videos? Then you c...